Purpose, belonging and independence are essential for a good older stage.
This can be achieved in an enabling environment that recognises and supports inclusive, age-friendly environments, most often the role of NPO’s and CBO’s, sometimes in partnership with Government.
This is why the NOAH Community Centres in Khayelitsha, Athlone and Woodstock are so important and an integral part of the lives of social pensioners in the community. Here NOAH seeks to develop our members knowledge, attitudes, values and skills, enabling them to bring about the changes they feel are necessary to create a better life for themselves and their families.
NOAH believes that by providing a scaffold for our elders in this innovative way, it will restore the order, facilitate healing, inter-dependence and improved levels of occupation and quality of life. This is a novel approach to enabling elders to remain active, independent and in control of their lives for as long as possible. The impact is better quality of life, as well as the prevention of premature dependency and the associated costs.
“The elderly develop resilience and retain human dignity and self-respect if they remain in control of their lives and have opportunities to find meaning in life’s circumstances.”
(Lombard and Kruger, 2009)